The City of Point Arena is seeking public input for naming our new park, located at Arena Cove above Arena Creek where the cypress trees are located.
The following names have been selected by the City Council for consideration.
Please vote below. Please vote only once.
More information on the park names is located below the poll.
Results will be announced at the November 28 City Council meeting.
[poll id=”2″]
“Seafoam Park” refers to a vessel that was lost in1931 while enroute to San Francisco. Remnants of the wreck are still visible at low tide.
“Arena Cove Park” is self-explanatory.
“Raven Park” refers to former Mayor, Councilmember and businessman Raven Earlygrow.
“Yomta Park” refers to the Pomo word for “dreamer.”
“Mountain Beaver Park” refers to the Point Arena Mountain Beaver, a federally-protected species with habitat along Port Road.