Port Road in Point Arena will be subject to one lane traffic control beginning August 14 through August 17 from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm as part of the Port Road Maintenance Project.

The first phase of the project entails asphalt removal, dig outs, new compacted road base and relaying of asphalt in the portions of roadway and bike lane that have suffered base failures.  Cracks in the asphalt surface of the road will be filled and sealed.  The second phase of the project entails application of slurry seal sometime in September.

The project was designed by SHN Engineering in Fort Bragg with construction performed by Wylatti Resource Management in Covelo.

SB1 Local Partnership Program Funds is providing $200,000 for the project with additional funds coming from the Mendocino Council of Governments.

SB 1, The Road Repair and Accountability Act, invests more than $5 billion annually directly for maintenance, repair, and safety improvements on state highways, local streets and roads, bridges, tunnels and overpasses. $200 million in funding for the Local Partnership Program helps match locally generated transportation funds.

