Notice to Contractors
The City of Point Arena will accept sealed bids for the Riverside Drive & Windy Hollow Road Improvements Project, #2019-01, by or before June 26, 2019, at 2:00 p.m., at the Point Arena City Hall, located at 451 School Street, Point Arena, California 95468, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Project Description
The City proposes to perform roadway improvements along approximately 1,100 feet of Riverside Drive and approximately 175 feet of Windy Hollow Road. Proposed work on Riverside Drive consists of the removal and disposal of deteriorating asphalt concrete (AC) paving, placement of new AC paving and overlay, and improvements to existing drainage facilities, including the installation of a new storm drain inlet. Proposed improvements along Windy Hollow Road include the removal and disposal of deteriorating AC paving, placement of new AC paving, and the installation of two 6-inch sub drains.
An Add Alternate consisting of 30,000 square feet of AC paving overlay on Eureka Hill Road.
Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost for Base Bid: $233,395
Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost for Add Alternate: $110,000
An electronic copy of the Plans and Contract Documents for the Project may be obtained at City Hall for a fifty dollar ($50) non-refundable charge for each thumb drive. They are also posted on the local Builders Exchange websites.
Questions concerning the Project or the bid package must be in writing and may be submitted in person or by email to Sam Heath, SHN Consulting Engineers & Geologists, 335 S. Main Street, Willits, CA 95490, Start of construction is anticipated to be in July 2019.
All Contractors and Subcontractors shall possess appropriate Contractor’s Licenses for their trades at the time the contract is awarded.
Each Bid Proposal, along with any required supporting bid materials, shall be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the title of the work, “Riverside Drive & Windy Hollow Road Improvements, City of Point Arena Project No. 2019-01” and the name of the bidder.
The City of Point Arena reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
This is a prevailing wage contract.