Request for Proposals For Residential and Commercial Garbage, Recyclable Material, and Organic Waste Collection Services – City of Point Arena Franchise Area
RFP for Garbage, Recycling and Organics – City of Point Arena Franchise Area
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Point Arena is seeking proposals from qualified Vendors for Residential and Commercial Garbage, Recyclable Materials, and Organic Waste Collection Services – City of Point Arena Franchise Area.
Submit two (2) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of the proposal clearly marked “City of Point Arena Garbage Collection RFP”. Submittals must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. PT, November 1, 2023 and delivered to the following address:
City of Point Arena
Attention: City Manager
PO Box 67
Point Arena, CA 95468
Proposals may also be submitted in person at Point Arena City Hall at 451 School Street in Point Arena by 2pm on November 1, 2023.
No late submittals will be accepted. Any questions with regard to submissions, process, proposals, or questions about City services can be emailed to Paul Andersen, City Manager, at
The Request for Proposal can be viewed and obtained here:
RFP for Garbage, Recycling and Organics – City of Point Arena Franchise Area
The Franchise Agreement award, if any, will be made to the Vendor who, in the City’s sole discretion, is best able to perform the required services in a manner most beneficial to the City.