RFP: Garbage/Recycling Services

Request for Proposals For Residential and Commercial Garbage, Recyclable Material, and Organic Waste Collection Services – City of Point Arena Franchise Area

RFP for Garbage, Recycling and Organics – City of Point Arena Franchise Area

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Point Arena is seeking proposals from qualified Vendors for Residential and Commercial Garbage, Recyclable Materials, and Organic Waste Collection Services – City of Point Arena Franchise Area.

Submit two (2) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of the proposal clearly marked “City of Point Arena Garbage Collection RFP”. Submittals must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. PT, November 1, 2023 and delivered to the following address:

City of Point Arena
Attention: City Manager
PO Box 67
Point Arena, CA 95468

Proposals may also be submitted in person at Point Arena City Hall at 451 School Street in Point Arena by 2pm on November 1, 2023.

No late submittals will be accepted. Any questions with regard to submissions, process, proposals, or questions about City services can be emailed to Paul Andersen, City Manager, at cm@pointarena.ca.gov.

The Request for Proposal can be viewed and obtained here:

RFP for Garbage, Recycling and Organics – City of Point Arena Franchise Area

The Franchise Agreement award, if any, will be made to the Vendor who, in the City’s sole discretion, is best able to perform the required services in a manner most beneficial to the City.



Bid #2023-01: Downtown Park Improvements


Point Arena Park Improvement Project
Project # 2023-01

Bid Documents

1. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Point Arena, 451 School Street, Point Arena, California 95468 on or before 2:00pm on February 21, 2023. Bids will be opened and read publicly at that time.

2. The City proposes to perform park improvements at 24810 California Highway 1, Point Arena CA. Engineer’s opinion of probable cost to perform this work is $73,750.00.

3. An electronic copy of Plans and Specifications may be obtained at City Hall, 451 School Street, Point Arena, California 95468. There will be a fifty dollar ($50) non-refundable charge for each thumb drive.

4. Questions concerning the Project or the bid package must be in writing and must be submitted in person or by email to Sam Heath, SHN Consulting Engineers and Geologists, 335 S. Main Street, Willits, CA 95490,sheath@shn-engr.com.

5. In accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 20170, all bids must be presented under sealed cover and include one of the following forms of bidder’s security: cash, cashier’s check made payable to the City, certified check made payable to the City, or a bidder’s bond. The amount of bidder’s security provided must equal at least ten (10) percent of the total of the bid price for the base bid and the additive or deductive items listed in this notice.

6. In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1771, not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the Project is to be performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work fixed as provided in the California Labor Code shall be paid to all workers engaged in performing the Project. The Director of Industrial Relations has determined the general prevailing wage per diem rates for work in the locality in which the Project is to be performed. In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1773.2, copies of the applicable determinations of the Director are on file in the City Clerk’s Office and may be reviewed upon request.

7. Pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 3300, a Class A California contractor’s license is required to bid on the Project.

8. Except where prohibited by federal regulations or policies, the successful bidder may, on request and at its expense, substitute securities in lieu of amounts withheld by the City from progress payments to ensure performance under the contract in accordance with the contract document Such securities will be subject to the terms of the escrow for security deposit agreement contained in the contract documents.

9. Pursuant to California Labor Code Section 1771.1, this Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). A Contractor may not bid, nor be listed as a subcontractor for any bid proposal submitted for public work without first registering with the DIR and paying the annual fee. Application and renewal are completed online at http://www.dir.ca.gov/Public-Works/PublicWorhtml. No contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5. If you are not registered and are offered the contract for construction will need to register with DIR prior to the City executing the construction contract.

10. The City of Point Arena reserves the right to postpone the date and time for the opening of proposals at any time prior to the date and time announced in the advertisement in accordance with applicable law.

11. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or to waive any bid irregularities to the extent permitted by law. If the City elects to award a contract for performance of the Project, the contract will be awarded in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 20103.8 and other applicable law to the responsible bidder submitting a responsive bid with the lowest bid on the base contract without consideration of the prices on the additive or deductive item.

12. All bids will remain valid for 90 days after the bid opening. Except as permitted by law and subject to all applicable remedies, including forfeiture of bidder’s security, bidders may not withdraw their bid during the 90 day period after the bid opening.


The following are Request for Information (RFI) with responses. The RFI’s are verbatim from the individual/company requesting information.

  1. Is there a grading permit associated with the project?

A grading permit is not required as part of the project.

  1. What are the City/County requirements for a soil disposal site?

The City does not have any special disposal requirements for uncontaminated soil. Excess soil can be disposed of at any permitted facility.

  1. Is there a specification for the wood chips?

Wood chips should meet the specifications in ASTM F2075: Standard Specification for Engineered Wood Fiber for Use as a Playground Safety Surface Under and Around Playground Equipment.

  1. What testing will be required and who is responsible for paying?

Materials testing and inspection services are required as indicated on sheet G-3 of the project plan set. These services will be provided by the City as part of their construction management services.

Bid Documents

RFP: Consultant Services to Assist with Local Coastal Plan Amendment

The City of Point Arena, California, seeks the services of a professional consultant to prepare a Local Coastal Plan amendment application to update portions of its General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, last updated in 2006. The scope of this project will also include a sea level rise study and necessary environmental analysis as required by the Coastal Commission to support the LCP amendment.

Work toward an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance and changes to development regulations in the Highway Commercial district has already begun and will be incorporated into this LCP amendment project.

Applicants MUST have experience preparing Local Coastal Plan amendments and related documents. Prior experience working with the Coastal Commission is preferred.

The deadline for submission of a proposal is Monday February 28, 2022 at 4pm PST.

Request for Proposal for Consultant Services to Assist with General Plan/Local Coastal Program Amendment

Bid #2021-04: Pier Pilings Repair


Point Arena Pier Repair
Project # 2021-04

Bid Documents


1. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Point Arena, 451 School Street, Point Arena, California 95468 on or before 2:00pm on September 9, 2021. Bids will be opened and read publicly at that time.

2. The City proposes to replace damaged components of the Arena Cove Pier including nine wooden fender piles and one steel guide pile. Engineer’s opinion of probable cost to perform this work is $54,140.

3. An electronic copy of Plans and Specifications may be obtained at City Hall, 451 School Street, Point Arena, California 95468. There will be a fifty dollar ($50) non-refundable charge for each thumb drive.

4. Questions concerning the Project or the bid package must be in writing and must be submitted in person or by email to Scott Perkins, SHN Consulting Engineers and Geologists, 335 S. Main Street, Willits, CA 95490, sperkins@shn-engr.com.

5. In accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 20170, all bids must be presented under sealed cover and include one of the following forms of bidder’s security: cash, cashier’s check made payable to the City, certified check made payable to the City, or a bidder’s bond. The amount of bidder’s security provided must equal at least ten (10) percent of the total of the bid price for the base bid and the additive or deductive items listed in this notice.

6. In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1771, not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the Project is to be performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work fixed as provided in the California Labor Code shall be paid to all workers engaged in performing the Project. The Director of Industrial Relations has determined the general prevailing wage per diem rates for work in the locality in which the Project is to be performed. In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1773.2, copies of the applicable determinations of the Director are on file in the City Clerk’s Office and may be reviewed upon request.

7. Pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 3300, a Class A California contractor’s license is required to bid on the Project.

8. Except where prohibited by federal regulations or policies, the successful bidder may, on request and at its expense, substitute securities in lieu of amounts withheld by the City from progress payments to ensure performance under the contract in accordance with the contract documents. Such securities will be subject to the terms of the escrow for security deposit agreement contained in the contract documents.

9. Pursuant to California Labor Code Section 1771.1, this Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). A Contractor may not bid, nor be listed as a subcontractor for any bid proposal submitted for public work without first registering with the DIR and paying the annual fee. Application and renewal are completed online at http://www.dir.ca.gov/Public-Works/PublicWorks.html. No contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5. If you are not registered and are offered the contract for construction will need to register with DIR prior to the City executing the construction contract.

10. The City of Point Arena reserves the right to postpone the date and time for the opening of proposals at any time prior to the date and time announced in the advertisement in accordance with applicable law.

11. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or to waive any bid irregularities to the extent permitted by law. If the City elects to award a contract for performance of the Project, the contract will be awarded in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 20103.8 and other applicable law to the responsible bidder submitting a responsive bid with the lowest bid on the base contract without consideration of the prices on the additive or deductive items.

12. All bids will remain valid for 90 days after the bid opening. Except as permitted by law and subject to all applicable remedies, including forfeiture of bidder’s
security, bidders may not withdraw their bid during the 90 day period after the bid opening.

Bid Documents


Extension of Bid Opening: The bid submission deadline and bid opening date for the Point Arena Pier Repair Project has been modified from Thursday, September 9, 2021, at 2:00pm to  Thursday, September 16, 2021, at 2:00 pm. Bids will be opened and read publicly at that time.

All other terms and conditions of the bid remain unchanged.

If you have already submitted a bid in response to this procurement process, please be assured that your bid will be held securely until the revised bid opening date. Alternatively, you are permitted to take advantage of this extension to the deadline to make revisions to that bid.

RFQ: City Engineering & Planning Services



Request Release Date: May 17, 2021
Request Closing Date: June 17, 2021

Request Contact Person: Paul Andersen, City Manager
City of Point Arena
Phone: (707) 882-2122
Email: cm@pointarena.ca.gov
Web: http://pointarena.ca.gov/



The City of Point Arena is releasing this Request for Qualifications for City Engineering and Planning Services. The City of Point Arena intends to enter into one or more task-based professional service contracts with a qualified individual or firm to provide general planning services, engineering services, project management, project review, grant preparation, consultation services and design services. Project management services may include future State, Federal and locally funded projects.

It is the City’s intent to engage these services from a qualified individual(s) or firm (s) through an evaluation and comparison of past performance, project team resumes, appropriate references, prior experience in other municipalities and cities similar in nature to Point Arena, as well as the criteria that will be used in evaluating the qualifications of firms and or individuals submitting proposals.

The City may contract with one or more firms or individuals in order to adequately satisfy our needs for engineering services. Accessibility to and a timely response from these firms is essential to the position. The level of involvement by the Planner and/or Engineer will be defined by the City Manager as well as the requirements of active and proposed projects within the City. The Planner and/or Engineer will work in coordination and partnership with the City’s planning team, including the City Manager, Architect, Public Works Superintendent, City Council and Building Official.

The selected Consultant(s) shall follow Caltrans Local Agency Procedure Manual (LAPM) and appropriate Caltrans Manuals for Federal Aid projects. In accordance with the newly issued FHWA Directive of May 15, 2017, regarding FHWA Approval of Architectural and Engineering (A & E) Consultants in a Management Support Role, there will be an audit and approval process the selected Consultant(s) will go through prior to award of the contract.

Deadline Submission: June 17, 2021, 4:00 p.m.


Note: The final Scope of Services is subject to change following the selection process and negotiations with the selected individual(s) and/or firm(s). Therefore, the City reserves the right to make revisions. The final contract will comply with Caltrans’ Mandatory Fiscal and Federal Provisions, including labor/wage requirements, fiscal management provisions, and DBE requirements. The Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) and the Caltrans Manual shall be strictly followed for Federal Aid Projects.

Planning and Engineering services may include, but are not limited to:

• General consulting
• Inspections
• Project review
• Council, commission(s) and community consultation, scoping and visioning
• Peer review
• Grant writing and management
• Design services, including quantity calculations and engineers estimates
• Labor compliance, progress payment review and processing, and claim avoidance
• Design review and permit processing
• Plan check
• Master planning
• CEQA review, consultation and preparation
• Provide engineering recommendations for emergency situations
• Computer or manual drafting
• Ordinance and zoning regulation review, consultation and development
• Design standard review, consultation and development
• Proposal review and development
• Infrastructure review, design and evaluation
• Consultation to public on a fee recovery basis
• May represent the City on various technical advisory boards, committees, and commissions as appropriate
• Prepare preliminary project development documents, environmental studies, PS&E documents for intersection and corridor enhancement projects, pavement preservation projects, and the like
• Assist in programming and funding efforts of transportation projects, completing Federal or State grant applications.


Knowledge of:

• Principles and practices of engineering, including planning, design and construction;
• Use of County, Caltrans and Federal (FHWA) standards and processes; and
• State (STIP) and Federal (RSTP, CMAQ, HSIP and HBP) funds. Consultant must be familiar and experienced with State and Federal administrative requirements and procedures.
• Ability to comply with LAPM contracting, reporting and fiscal management requirements
• Principles and practices of land use planning, including design, environmental regulations, zoning regulations, and the like.

License Requirements:

The City Engineer will be a licensed Civil Engineer, in good standing, with the State of California; project managers assigned to a project may be civil engineers but do not require that license.

The City Planner will hold sufficient licenses, degrees and/or certificates necessary to demonstrate their professional capacity and capabilities to meet the requirements of this RFQ.


At least ten (10) years of progressively responsible work experience, including work with Local, State and Federal governments and agencies, including Caltrans and FHWA.


The City of Point Arena requires that Respondents restrict all contact and questions regarding this RFQ to the individual named below. Questions concerning terms and conditions and technical specifications shall be directed in writing via email to:

Paul Andersen, City Manager
RFQ-City Engineering & Planning Services


If you or your firm is interested in the opportunity to work with the City, please provide the following information:

 Firm or Individual Name, Address, Telephone Number, Email Address, Website address and Year Organized of the firm or person submitting the quote;

 Qualifications, Licenses, Certifications, Specialized Training and Educational/Professional Resume of all persons that would provide services under any resulting contract;

 A description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFQ; including any previous experience or services provided to the City of Point Arena or jurisdictions similar in scope and size, demonstration of technical ability to deliver and administer civil projects;

 A description of capabilities to meet State, Federal, County and/or Local requirements, including demonstrated ability to implement LAPM/Caltrans Manuals; provide example projects in which Consultant has demonstrated the ability to follow the Federal Aid process in construction administration and for engineering design;

 Provide a minimum of three (3) references for similar services only, who can attest to the Respondent’s knowledge, quality of work, timeliness, diligence, and professionalism. Respondent must include names, contact persons, and phone numbers for all references;

 Other factors or special considerations you feel would influence your selection, and describe why you would like to work with the City of Point Arena;

 Estimated Fee Schedule and Billing Rates- (Provide in a Separate Envelope) Please provide an estimate of billing rates for staff at the various levels which may perform work on the City’s projects. If at any point during the term of the master agreement, your firm’s billing rates will be increasing those increases shall be clearly outlined in the fee schedule provided in the Estimated Billing Rates section of the proposal. If no increases are shown, there will be no increases allowed on the billing rates at any classification. Invoices submitted throughout the term of the master agreement will be paid at the proposed billing rates provided in the proposal. The estimated fee schedule does not constitute a bid; a detailed review of the merits of the proposal will be completed prior to the cost information being reviewed.


The City reserves the right to reject any or all responses. The City reserves the right to waive any variances from the original Request for Qualification’s specifications in cases where the variances are considered to be, in the sole discretion of the City, in the best interests of the City.

All proposals submitted in response to this RFQ shall become the property of the City. The City retains the right to use any or all of the information presented in any proposal to the RFQ, whether amended or not. Selection or rejection of the proposal does not affect this right. Contract(s) shall be awarded to the applicant(s) determined to be the best qualified to meet the City’s needs, with a mutually agreeable start date.


Under no circumstances shall any Respondent contact in person, by telephone, or otherwise, any representative of the City of Point Arena other than as provided above in regard to this RFQ. Failure to comply with this provision may result in the disqualification of that entity from this procurement process.


Please provide 1 (one) original proposal with the signature of an authorized individual on a typed letter of submittal. Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the outside of the envelope, “City of Point Arena City Engineering & Planning Services” and addressed to:

City of Point Arena
Paul Andersen, City Manager
PO Box 67
Point Arena, CA 95468

RFQ’s will be accepted via email but a hard copy is also required.

Submission Deadline: 

All proposals must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on June 17, 2021


Bid # 2021-01 Arena Cove Parking Lot Rehabilitation


Arena Cove Parking Lot Rehabilitation
Project # 2021-01

1. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Point Arena, 451 School Street, Point Arena, California 95468 on or before 2:00pm on June 10, 2021. Bids will be opened and read publicly at that time.

2. The City proposes to repair and expand an existing seawall and jetty rock, install a new bio-retention basin, and raise a portion of the existing parking lot that services the City’s commercial fishing facility in Arena Cove. Engineer’s opinion of probable cost to perform this work is $484,385.00.

3. An electronic copy of Plans and Specifications may be obtained at City Hall, 451 School Street, Point Arena, California 95468. There will be a fifty dollar ($50) non-refundable charge for each thumb drive.

4. Questions concerning the Project or the bid package must be in writing and must be submitted in person or by email to Scott Perkins, SHN Consulting Engineers and Geologists, 335 S. Main Street, Willits, CA 95490, sperkins@shn-engr.com.

5. In accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 20170, all bids must be presented under sealed cover and include one of the following forms of bidder’s security: cash, cashier’s check made payable to the City, certified check made payable to the City, or a bidder’s bond. The amount of bidder’s security provided must equal at least ten (10) percent of the total of the bid price for the base bid and the additive or deductive items listed in this notice.

6. In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1771, not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the Project is to be performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work fixed as provided in the California Labor Code shall be paid to all workers engaged in performing the Project. The Director of Industrial Relations has determined the general
prevailing wage per diem rates for work in the locality in which the Project is to be performed. In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1773.2, copies of the applicable determinations of the Director are on file in the City Clerk’s Office and may be reviewed upon request.

7. Pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 3300, a Class A California contractor’s license is required to bid on the Project.

8. Except where prohibited by federal regulations or policies, the successful bidder may, on request and at its expense, substitute securities in lieu of amounts

withheld by the City from progress payments to ensure performance under the contract in accordance with the contract documents. Such securities will be subject to the terms of the escrow for security deposit agreement contained in the contract documents.

9. Pursuant to California Labor Code Section 1771.1, this Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). A Contractor may not bid, nor be listed as a subcontractor for any bid proposal submitted for public work without first registering with the DIR and paying the annual fee. Application and renewal are completed online at http://www.dir.ca.gov/Public-Works/PublicWorks.html. No contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5. If you are not registered and are offered the contract for construction will need to register with DIR prior to the City executing the construction contract.

10. The City of Point Arena reserves the right to postpone the date and time for the opening of proposals at any time prior to the date and time announced in the advertisement in accordance with applicable law.

11. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or to waive any bid irregularities to the extent permitted by law. If the City elects to award a contract for performance of the Project, the contract will be awarded in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 20103.8 and other applicable law to the responsible bidder submitting a responsive bid with the lowest bid on the base contract without consideration of the prices on the additive or deductive items.

12. All bids will remain valid for 90 days after the bid opening. Except as permitted by law and subject to all applicable remedies, including forfeiture of bidder’s
security, bidders may not withdraw their bid during the 90-day period after the bid opening.

Bid Documents


Addendum June 2, 2021

Question 1: It appears that there will be a conflict with Memorial and the 4 SF section of the wall.  Please address how the contractor is expected to handle.

Response 1: The memorial will remain. The wall will stop at the memorial and then proceed past the memorial. Bidders should bid the project for the concrete as shown on the plans.


Question 2: Bid item #7 indicates 10” of C2 base and detail #3 on sheet 6 indicates 12” of C2 base, please clarify.

Response 2: Bid item #7 is correct—the base will be a 10” section. The detail on sheet six is incorrect and should read 10” of base.


Question 3: Sheet C2 shows 648 CY (730 tons) Jetty Rock. 648 CY will be more than 730 tons. Should the bid reflect the cubic yardage or the tonnage?

Response 3: This project is funded in part by FEMA, which has approved the project for 648 CY of jetty rock. Bidders should bid the project based on the cubic yardage regardless of the resulting tonnage.


Question 4: It is unclear where bid item #20 (provide and place rock backing) corresponds with the plans. Please clarify.

Response 4: Bid item #20 describes rock backing for the curb cuts associated with the bioretention facility. Rock backing should be 4 cubic yards of light class material (25 lb).


Question 5: Will the contractor be allowed to use native material excavated from the seawall footprint and parking lot for backfill both inside and outside of the seawall?

Response 5: Yes, provided the material is suitable for use as subgrade.


Question 6: How far from the back face of the seawall bench will RSP be placed?

Response 6: RSP to be placed directly adjacent to the seawall.


Question 7: What finish will be required on the exposed portions of the seawall concrete?

Response 7: Smooth finish on bench and seawall.


Question 8: Is there a standard for the density of jetty rock?

Response 8: 2 tons per cubic yard minimum.


Question 9: Can all or a portion of the aggregate be recycled?

Response 9: Aggregate base can be used as long as it meets Caltrans specs for Class 2 aggregate base.


Question 10: Would a 2020 HVEEM asphalt mix out of my Fort Bragg be acceptable for this project?

Response 10: No, a 2020 HVEEM asphalt mix would not be acceptable.


Addendum 2 – June 7, 2021

Question 1: In reference to the Maintenance Bond, does this cover plants as well?  Per the permits, there is maintenance required of the permittee for plants, erosion control, soil. Etc. Is this the responsibility being passed along to the contractor, or will it be maintained by the City of Point Arena?

Response 1: The City will assume responsibilities for the for the ongoing maintenance of the plantings-the responsibility will not be on the contractor.


Question 2: Will the jetty rock spec (2 tons/cy) be based on unit weight or specific gravity?

Response 2: The jetty rock spec is to be based on unit weight.


Question 3: Does the project include a detailed striping plan?

Response 3: There is not a detailed striping plan.  Striping is to be replaced to match existing as shown on sheet C-2.  Additionally, the Specification 2 for Signing, Striping, and Pavement Marking on sheet G-3 incorrectly references Caltrans Section 84-2.02C “Paint” for traffic stripes and markings.  The correct reference is 84-2.02G “Paint”


Request for Proposal: Accounting Services

March 3, 2021




The City of Point Arena (City) is seeking proposals from seasoned practices to provide accounting services for the City beginning with Fiscal Year July 1, 2021. The contract will be for a three-year period with the option to extend for an additional two years.

To be considered, one original proposal, plus two copies, must be received on or before Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 5:00 pm at the following address:

Paul Andersen
City Manager
City of Point Arena
451 School Street
Point Arena, CA 95468

Questions related to this request for proposal should be directed to the City Manager at cm@pointarena.ca.gov or at (707) 882-2122.



The City of Point Arena (the “City”) operates under a Council-Manager form of government and provides the following services: public safety, streets and public works, community development, culture and recreation, wastewater, and pier (harbor). The City of Point Arena has a total area of 1.4 square miles. The City itself is built around a small natural inland harbor named Arena Cove and home to the City’s Municipal Pier. The City’s population totals 445.


The firm selected will be responsible for providing the following services for a period of three years with an option to extend the contract for two one-year contract periods. Services that may be required from the contractor include:

1. Accounting Services.

A. On a monthly basis review posted transactions for accurate coding by fund, natural object, department, project and funding source. Reconcile fund cash and interest. Ensure accounts balance by fund. Prepare account ledgers for preparation of monthly Treasurer’s Report.
B. Reconcile bank account statements with City accounting system and general ledger on a monthly basis and provide copies of records and reports to the City Manager.
C. Assist and advise City staff in maintenance of the City’s chart of accounts, including addition and deprecation of specific ledger accounts for segregation of income, expenses, assets, liability and net position by fund, department, project, funding source and natural object.
D. Assist City Manager in preparing the annual budget, mid-year budget review and periodic budget updates.

2. Reporting

A. Prepare periodic Reports for the City Manager, including: Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statements, and Year-To-Date Actual Expenditures vs. Budget in formats specified by City.
B. Prepare annual required State Controller’s Office reports, including the Annual Streets Report and the Annual Financial Transactions Report.
C. Prepare annually the depreciation of assets as per adopted City policy and procedures.

3. Audit.

A. Close fiscal year books by mid-August annually and prepare all essential reports and information for the annual audit, including: bank reconciliations, trial balance, and management financial statements. Compile all other financial materials and information requested by the auditor for the annual audit. Facilitate the conduct of the annual audit by being available to the auditors during their field work to retrieve information, answer questions, and explain financial transactions.
B. Review for accuracy and appropriateness the Draft Financial Statements from the auditor, prepare the draft management response, and recommend action to the City.
C. Provide audit process support.

4. Reporting Requirements.

Prepare federal and State reports as required for cities including but not limited to the State Controller’s reports; quarterly and annual payroll reports; and grant reimbursements. All computers, printers, software and associated supplies necessary to carry out the requirements of this contract will be provided by the consultant.


The following must be received by the proposal due date or the firm will not be considered:

1. Title Page – the title page shall show the proposal subject, the firm’s name, address, contact person, and the firm’s California CPA license number (if applicable) and federal identification number.

2. Cover Letter – The cover letter should briefly state the proposer’s understanding of the work to be performed, commitment to perform the work and statements as to why the firm believes it is the best qualified firm to perform the engagement. The cover letter should also include a statement that the offer is a firm and irrevocable offer for 120 days.

3. Table of Contents.

4. Qualifications.

A. Qualifications and Related Experience – Sufficient information should be provided regarding qualifications of the firm to provide the requested scope of work.
B. Provide a listing of current clients in the area similar to the City for which your firm is providing bookkeeping/accounting services. This section shall include the services being provided, a short description of the client, the amount of revenue generated, name of the Project manager in your firm responsible for the services provided, and contact information of the client. This section should not be more than two pages.
C. Provide the name of the software application, and version, that your firm utilizes.
D. Please confirm your firm’s independence with respect to the City.
E. Please comment on your commitment to staff continuity for personnel assigned to this engagement.

5. Personnel Qualifications.

A. Provide sufficient information and related experience of personnel who will perform the City’s bookkeeping/accounting services. Include resumes of the personnel directly responsible for this contract and other professionals directly involved. Resumes shall include all relevant experience during the last three years with cities similar to the City, education, CPA licenses and continuing education of the individuals, if applicable. Include an affirmative statement that the firm and all assigned key professional staff are properly registered/licensed to practice in California.
B. Please provide your firms most recent peer review reports, the related letter of comments, and your firms response to the letter of comments. If there are no peer review reports, please explain why there are none.

6. Approach to Provide Bookkeeping/Accounting Services. Provide in sufficient detail the firm’s approach to the City’s accounting services. Include procedures to be performed, by whom they will be performed by, tasks to be accomplished, the utilization of computers in the engagement consideration of laws and regulations, assistance that will be provided to the City’s staff, City Council and Committees.

7. Additional Information. Interested firms are encouraged to provide any additional information not otherwise requested that may aid the City in awarding this professional service contract. Unnecessarily elaborate responses beyond that sufficient to present a complete and effective response to the solicitation are not desired and may be construed as an indication of the firm’s lack of cost consciousness.

8. Professional Service Work Sample. The firm shall provide with its proposal, sample financial report(s) prepared for a client that the firm believes is representative of professional work of the firm, preferably in an area related to the services being requested. This document will be used in the evaluation process in selecting a firm to provide services to the City. At the request of the firm, the document can be returned immediately after the contract for these services is awarded. Identity of the client may be masked. The City shall treat the professional work sample as confidential.

9. Fees/Hourly Rates. State the total hours and hourly rate required by staff classification and the resulting all-inclusive monthly fee estimate for the work proposed to be performed. Please describe how you will bill for questions on technical matters that may arise throughout the engagement.


The firm shall present an invoice to the City on a monthly basis for services rendered. Any adjustments expenditure or other service shall be preapproved.


The below factors will be used when evaluating the proposals. The factors are not listed in order of importance.

A. Responsiveness to Request for Proposal specifications
B. Project cost
C. Qualifications of firm
D. Qualifications and experience of the staff to be assigned to the project
E. References
F. Demonstrated capability to perform the type of work requested

During the evaluation process, the City reserves the rights to request additional information or clarifications from proposers and the right to reject any or all proposals. Proposals will be evaluated by a panel and the most qualified firm(s) may be requested to make oral presentations.

There is no expressed or implied obligation for the City to reimburse responding firms for any expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request.

