Approves garbage rate increase based on Consumer Price Index.
Authorizes City Manager to enter agreements with the State for implementation of sales tax increase.
Implements Ordinance 244, Sales Tax Increase.
Approves a Master Tax Sharing Agreement between the County of Mendocino, and the Cities of Point Arena, Fort Bragg, Willits, and Ukiah.
Establishes the GANN Appropriations Limit for FY 24-25.
Approves an Interim Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.
Places a sales tax measure on the November 2024 ballot.
Requests consolidation of the municipal election with the County of Mendocino.
Calls for a municipal election on November 5, 2024.
Approves an Interim Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.
Approves Coastal Development Permit for 135 Main Street.
Approves a Mitigated Negative Declaration for project at 135 Main Street.
Establishes pay rates for City employees.
Grants authority to apply for an encroachment permit from CalTrans for the Independence Parade.
Establishes the signature authority for banking transactions.
Provide Workers Compensation coverage for City volunteers.
Accepts a grant from the California Coastal Conservancy for the Arena Cove Harbor Access and Resiliency Plan.
Submits Ordinance 243 (LCP Update) to the California Coastal Commission for approval.
Awards contract for Planning Services.
Appoints City Manager as City’s representative on the California Intergovernmental Risk Authority.
Establishes signatory authority foe use of City financial accounts.
Establishes signatory authority for use of city financial accounts.
Establishes signatory for Community Development Block Grant projects.
Designates the City Manager as signatory for roads projects.
Adopts a Local Coastal Program amendment regarding Accessory Dwelling Units.
Adopts fee schedule for city services for FY 23-24.
Establishes a Finance Ad Hoc Committee.
Identifies rehabilitation of Windy Hollow Road as road project for FY 23-24.
Establishes the GANN Appropriations Limit for FY 23-24.
Adopts the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 City of Point Arena Annual Budget.
Authorizes a CalTrans encroachment permit for the 2023 Independence Parade.
Permits the public consumption of alcohol during select times during Independence Weekend,
Awards the Point Arena Park Improvement project to Akeff Construction.
Provides a cost-of-living adjustment for City employees.
Approves a consolidated Coastal Development Permit for CalTrans’ Middle Mile project.
Establishes signature authority for the City.
Extends the use of virtual meetings during a State of Emergency.
Ratifies a state of local emergency due to severe winter storms.
Appoints Dan Doyle to Mendocino Transit Authority.