Awards contract for Center Street Improvement Project to Granite Construction.
Awards contract for Mill Street Improvement Project to Granite Construction.
Urges residents and visitors of Point Arena to wear face masks to prevent the spread of the Delta variant of Covid19.
Establishes a zone for overnight camping in vehicles, subject to approval by the County of Mendocino.
Authorizes City Manager to file an application for funding for a study of Veterans Hall.
Awards bid for the Arena Cove Parking Lot Rehabilitation Project to Granite Construction.
Establishes the interim City Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
Establishes rates for various City fees.
Established for procedures for removing encampments on public property.
Outlines funding for road projects for 2021-2022.
Accepts the dedication of a public trail easement.
Accepts the dedication of a public trail easement.
Opposes the use of seismic air guns in oil exploration.
Establishes banking signature authority for the City of Point Arena.
Authorizes submission of Community Development Block Grant for Coronanvirus relief.
Designates the City Manager as the authorized representative of the City to execute documents pertaining to state or federal funded projects.
Approves updated tsunami inundation maps for evacuation planning and public safety.
Extends the State of Emergency for COVID-19.
Authorizes City Manager to submit Local Early Action Planning grant application.
Adopts the County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Makes appointment to the Mendocino Transit Authority.
Makes appointments to the Redwood Empire Division of the League of California Cities.
Makes appointment to the Local Agency Formation Commission.
Makes appointments to the Economic Development & Financing Corporation.
Makes appointments to the Mendocino Council of Governments (MCOG).
Extends the State of Emergency for COVID-19.
Declares the results of the 2020 General Election and the election of Olivia Ford and Eric Dahlhoff.
The Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget sets out the recommended dollar amounts to operate the City’s ongoing programs and services. The budget serves as the primary tool for the implementation of the key policies which have been previously adopted by the City Council.
Establishes the GANN appropriations limit for FY 2020-2021.
Authorizes the City Manager to execute the purchase of real property located at 24001 South Highway 1, APN# 027-061-20.
The maximum number of “Vacation Home Rental” licenses in the City Limits will be no more than 7% of the total number of single-family residences within the City limits.
Extends the State of Emergency for COVID-19
Approves CDBG-Coronavirus grant application.
Extends the State of Emergency for COVID-19
Extends the State of Emergency for COVID-19
Authorizes City Manager to submit a Local Partnership Program grant application
Extends the State of Emergency for COVID-19
Authorizes County of Mendocino to conduct Council elections for November 3, 2020.
Establishes funding for City of Point Arena government for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021
Authorizes funding for infrastructure projects on Riverside Drive and Center Street.
Authorizes updating Mendocino Council of Governments JPA to include housing.
Extends the State of Emergency for COVID-19.
Approves Local Coastal Plan Amendment governing the Agriculture Exclusive (AE) zoning district.
Extends the State of Emergency for COVID-19.
Extends the State of Emergency for COVID-19.
Authorizes City Manager to submit a Community Development Block Grant Application.
Announces State of Emergency in Point arena regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.
Authorizes Point Arena Pier agreement with State Lands Commission.
Assigns authority for issuing emergency Coastal Commission permits to the the City Manager.