Notice of completion of the Cypress Meadows housing development at 240001 South Highway One.
Authorizes City ro apply for SB2 Planning grants from California Department of Housing and Community Development.
Increases wages for city employees based on Consumer Price Index.
Updates certain job descriptions for employees of the City of Point Arena.
Authorizes the use of Transit Occupancy Tax funds to support Arena Theater outreach efforts.
Approves the 2019-2027 Housing Element.
Authorizes the City to apply for and receive Per Capita State Parks grant funding.
Awards bid for Riverside Drive Improvement Project.
Establishes an Underground Utility District on School Street.
Suspends enforcement of open container laws for street fair and fireworks.
Authorizes obtaining Caltrans encroachment permit for Independence Parade.
Establishes sewer fee rates for 2019-2020.
Establishes interim 2019-2020 City budget.
Adopts a list of road projects for 2019-2020.
Opposes effort to encourage offshore oil drilling.
Adopts a list of road projects for 2019-2020.
Supports the efforts of the United States Census in 2020.
Requests Point Arena be included in the County Business Improvement District
Authorizes the City Manager to accept property and record deeds.
Creates liaison to the Redwood Coast Fire Protection District.
Makes appointment to the Mendocino Transit Authority.
Makes appointment to the Mendocino County Library Advisory Board.
Makes appointments to the Public Agency Risk Sharing Authority of California.
Makes appointments to the Redwood Empire Division of the League of California Cities.
Makes appointments to the Local Agency Formation Commission.
Makes appointments to the Economic Development & Financing Corporation.
Makes appointments to the Mendocino Council of Governments (MCOG).
Recites the results of the November 6, 2018 election.
Establishes electric vehicle charging station fees.
Establishes the GANN appropriations limit for FY 2018-2019.
Establishes salary schedule for City employees.
Establishes a clothing reimbursement policy for certain City employees.
Supports Proposition 1, the Veterans and Affordable Housing Act of 2018.
Supports Proposition 3, the Water Supply and Water Quality Act of 2018.
Opposes Proposition 6, Repeal of SB1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act.
Adopts the 2018-2098 Budget for the City of Point Arena.
Incorporates projects funded in 2019 by SB1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act.
Incorporates projects funded in 2018 by SB1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act.
Authorizes City Manager to execute a Financial Assistance Application with State Water Resources Control Board.
Authorizes City Manager to execute agreement with CalTrans regarding Port Road Rehab Project.
Awards bid for Port Road Rehabilitation Project.
Authorizes City Manager to negotiate lease with State Lands Commission.
Establishes sewer rates for 2018-2019.
Establishes the interim budget for FY 2018-19.
Permits City Manager to obtain CalTrans permit to close Highway 1 for the Independence parade.
Suspends ban on open containers at certain times during Independence Weekend festivities.
Expresses opposition to potential ballot measure limiting tax measures at the local level
Requests County of Mendocino to provide election services for the City in November 2018.