Agenda for the January 23, 2018 regular meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
The Ordinance amends Chapter 5.20 of the Point Arena Municipal Code, which was limited to the regulation of medical cannabis, to include regulation of commercial cannabis activity related to both medical and adult use. It expresses the City’s intent to locally regulate certain commercial cannabis activities, in compliance with State law, to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the residents and businesses of the City of Point Arena pursuant to its constitutional police powers.
The Ordinance revises many provisions, but keeps basic local licensing requirements provisions in place, regarding the Cultivation, Sale, Manufacturing, Testing and Distribution of cannabis for adult use with the City’s limits. It lists the categories of State licenses the City intends to authorize locally, adds administrative enforcement remedies, and includes new licensing requirements to conform with Proposition 64, and recent amendments thereto.
Minutes of the December 19, 2017 regular City Council meeting.
Agenda for the December 19, 2017 regular meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Minutes of the November 28, 2017 regular City Council meeting.
Agenda for the November 28, 2017 regular meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Minutes of the November 8, 2017 special City Council meeting.
Agenda for the November 11, 2017 special meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Minutes of the October 24, 2017 regular City Council meeting.
Minutes of the October 11, 2017 special City Council meeting.
Agenda for the October 24, 2017 regular City Council meeting.
Agenda for the October 11, 2017 Special City Council meeting.
Minutes of the September 26, 2017 regular City Council meeting.
Incorporates local road projects for funding under SB1, the Road Repair & Accountability Act of 2017.
Updates City fees for use of Point Arena Pier.
Establishes the GANN appropriations limit for the city for 2017-2018.
Adopts the 2017-2018 Budget for the City of Point Arena.
The Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget sets out the recommended dollar amounts to operate the City’s ongoing programs and services. The budget serves as the primary tool for the implementation of the key policies which have been previously adopted by the City Council.
This ordinance updates the current Floodplain Management Ordinance to adopt higher standards to be applied under the Community Rating Standard which will result in reduced premiums for all flood insurance policy holders within the community.
Minutes of the July 25, 2017 regular City Council meeting.
Minutes of the June 27, 2017 City Council meeting.
Agenda for the July 25, 2017 regular meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Contains the costs of various fees that the City charges for services.
Minutes for the June 6, 2017 special City Council meeting.
Minutes of the May 23, 2017 City Council meeting.
The Interim City Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2017.
Agenda for the June 27, 2017 regular meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Agenda for the June 6, 2017 special meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
This map provides the land use and zoning of parcels within the city limits of Point Arena.
Extends the emergency declaration declared in Resolution 2017-01 for another thirty days.
Extends the emergency declaration declared in Resolution 2017-01 for another thirty days.
Updates the fees for various City services.
Suspends open container ordinance for Independence Weekend festivities.
Authorizes City Manager to obtain encroachment permit for Independence Parade.
Minutes of the April 25, 2017 City Council meeting.
Agenda for the May 23, 2017 regular meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
This report identifies the city’s most salient housing concerns and addresses them by proposing
three short-term housing development proposals as well as a brief discussion of longer-term
Establishes a system of administrative citations and hearings to ensure prompt and responsive compliance with the Point Arena Municipal Code and state law. It enhances the City’s ability to recover its costs and maintain the integrity of the code enforcement system. It also improves the City’s ability to impose and collect penalties from violators and provides due process and appeal rights regarding violations.
Agenda for the April 25, 2017 regular meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Agenda for the April 11, 2017 special meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Minutes of the March 28, 2017 regular meeting of the Point Arena City Council
Minutes of the March 21, 2017 special meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Extends the emergency declaration declared in Resolution 2017-01 for another thirty days.
Declares an emergency related to storm damage at a well at Point Arena Water Works.
Minutes of the February 28, 2017 meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Minutes of the February 21, 2017 special meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Establishes the appropriations limit for 2016-2017.
Affirms city government’s commitment to non-discrimination and support for immigrants in the community.