Agenda for the March 28, 2017 regular meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Extends the emergency declaration declared in Resolution 2017-01 for another thirty days.
Agenda for the March 21, 2017 special meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Minutes of the January 24, 2017 regular meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Minutes of the January 14, 2017 special meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Agenda for the February 28, 2017 regular meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
Extends the emergency declaration declared in Resolution 2017-01 for another thirty days.
Declares a local emergency as the result of storm damage at Arena Cove, Point Arena Pier and local roadways.
Agenda for the January 14, 2017 special meeting of the Point Arena City Council.
The Point Arena City Council will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, January 10 at 2pm to hear presentations from Community Development Services and Rural Communities Assistance Corporation.
This Ordinance is adopted to promote and protect the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience and general welfare, to provide a plan for sound and orderly development, and to ensure social and economic stability within the various zones hereby established. In addition it is the purpose of this ordinance to implement the policies and programs of the Point Arena General Plan and the Coastal Element thereof.
Sphere of Inlfuence reviews and updates typically occur every five years, or as needed. A local agency’s services are analyzed with a twenty year planning horizon, and a sphere is determined in a manner emphasizing a probable need for services within the next 5-10 years. Actual boundary change approvals, however, are subject to separate analysis with particular emphasis on determining whether the timing of the proposed action is appropriate.
The Point Arena General Plan is a comprehensive, integrated, and internally consistent statement of Point Arena’s environmental preservation, economic development, land use, public safety, housing, and development goals, policies, and programs.
The Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget includes the recommended dollar amounts to operate the City’s ongoing programs and services. The budget serves as the primary tool for the implementation of the key policies which have been previously adopted by the City Council.
The Community Action Plan for the City of Point Arena identifies recommendations for a widerange of transportation and circulation improvements, promotes the community character of the City, and helps to visualize long-term and sustainable growth consistent with the City’s General Plan and the community’s vision.
The Housing Element is an integral part of Point Arena’s General Plan. A major objective of State housing law and the housing element preparation requirements is to encourage each city and county to do its “fair share” in providing for the housing needs of the State, particularly the needs of extremely low-, low- and moderate-income persons and families. This updated housing element has been prepared according to the guidelines issued by the California State Department of Housing and Community Development.
Establishes that Sonoma Clean Power can compete with PG&E to provide electricity in the City of Point Arena.
Establishes a tax on medical cannabis of 3% and recreational cannabis of 7%. Approved by voters on November 8, 2016.
Raises the Transit Occupancy Tax from 10% to 12%. Approved by voters on November 8, 2016.
Regulates the cultivation, processing, testing, delivery, and dispensing of medical marijuana in the City of Point Arena.