Establishes interim 2019-2020 City budget.
Agenda for the July 23, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting.
Agenda for the July 22, 2019 Special City Council Meeting.
Agenda for the June 25, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting.
Minutes of the May 28, 2019 City Council Meeting.
Adopts a list of road projects for 2019-2020.
Minutes of the May 14, 2019 Special City Council meeting.
Minutes of the May 4, 2019 Special City Council Goal Setting Workshop.
Minutes of the April 23, 2019 Regular City Council meeting.
Agenda for the May 28, 2019 City Council meeting.
Opposes effort to encourage offshore oil drilling.
Adopts a list of road projects for 2019-2020.
The Point Arena Pier is facing a serious funding shortfall. This report explores the cause of that funding shortfall and then considers possible solutions.
Agenda for the May 14, 2019 Special City Council meeting.
Agenda for the May 4, 2019 City Council Workshop.
Minutes of the March 26, 2019 Regular City Council meeting.
Agenda for the April 23, 2019 Regular City Council meeting.
Supports the efforts of the United States Census in 2020.
Requests Point Arena be included in the County Business Improvement District
Minutes of the February 26, 2019 Regular City Council meeting.
2019 meeting calendar for City Council, holidays and special City events.
Authorizes the City Manager to accept property and record deeds.
Minutes of the January 8, 2019 Regular City Council meeting.
Agenda for the February 26, 2019 Regular City Council meeting.
Creates liaison to the Redwood Coast Fire Protection District.
Makes appointment to the Mendocino Transit Authority.
Makes appointment to the Mendocino County Library Advisory Board.
Makes appointments to the Public Agency Risk Sharing Authority of California.
Makes appointments to the Redwood Empire Division of the League of California Cities.
Makes appointments to the Local Agency Formation Commission.
Makes appointments to the Economic Development & Financing Corporation.
Makes appointments to the Mendocino Council of Governments (MCOG).
Minutes of the December 11, 2018 Regular City Council meeting.
Agenda for the January 8, 2019 Special City Council meeting.
Minutes of the November 20, 2018 Special City Council meeting.
Minutes of the October 23, 2018 Regular City Council meeting.
Amends Point Arena Municipal Code by adding Appendix “B”- Streets, Roads & Driveway Standards to Chapter 17-Subdivisions. This appendix updates and clarifies Appendix “A” provides definitions, as well as design and construction standards for all street, roads and driveways. It applies to both private and public streets and sidewalks located within the City of Point Arena. It sets detailed standards for public-right-of-way curb cuts, street alignments, street grades, and intersections. It requires all submittals of road-way related improvement plans, parcel and final maps to be signed by an engineer. It includes procedures for soil and material testing. It designates the City of Ft. Bragg Street Standard Plans detail drawings Series 200 to be utilized for plan details submitted to the City.
Recites the results of the November 6, 2018 election.
Coastal Development Use Permit 2017-01: Construct new multi-family housing consisting of eight residential units. Six units would be constructed on APN 027-061-21 and two units would be constructed on APN 027-061-18. The project also includes a new Coast Development Permit for the subdivision that created the subject parcels. The previously approved Coastal Development Permit for the subdivision has expired and conditions for approval were never met.
Agenda for the December 11, 2018 Regular City Council meeting.
Agenda for the November 20, 2018 Special City Council meeting.
Minutes of the September 25, 2018 Regular City Council meeting.
Establishes electric vehicle charging station fees.
Agenda for the October 23, 2018 Regular City Council meeting.
The Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget sets out the recommended dollar amounts to operate the City’s ongoing programs and services. The budget serves as the primary tool for the implementation of the key policies which have been previously adopted by the City Council.
Establishes the GANN appropriations limit for FY 2018-2019.
Establishes salary schedule for City employees.
Establishes a clothing reimbursement policy for certain City employees.
Supports Proposition 1, the Veterans and Affordable Housing Act of 2018.
Supports Proposition 3, the Water Supply and Water Quality Act of 2018.