Public Hearing: CDP# 2021-04 – 135/165 Main Street
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Point Arena City Council will conduct a public hearing on the below project at City Hall, 451 School Street, Point Arena, CA, and via Zoom ( on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, on the following item:
CASE#: CDP 2021-04, LLA 2021-02, UP 2024-1
OWNER/APPLICANT: 610 Properties, LLC, PO Box 669, Point Arena, CA 95468
AGENT: Jeffrey Hansen, 610 Properties, LLC, PO Box 669, Point Arena, CA 95468
REQUEST: The applicant requests a Lot Line Adjustment to transfer 0.145 acres/6,316.2 SF from Parcel B (APN 027-122-21) to Parcel A (027-122-20), and a Coastal Development Permit and Use Permit to: 1) reestablish and rehabilitate a restaurant and residential use and construct a 280 SF trellis on Parcel A; 2) reestablish and rehabilitate lodging, restaurant, and residential use on Parcel B, 3) demolish existing 3,880 SF structure on Parcel B; 4) construct five (5) detached lodging units of 160 SF each on Parcel B and; 6) other associated site work as demonstrated on the project plans.
LOCATION: 135 and 165 Main Street, Point Arena, CA
APNs 027-122-20 and -21
Individual Documents: (contained on Google Drive)
Combined Documents: (11mb PDF)
The staff report and accompanying materials for the above project is available for public review on the City’s website. A hardcopy can be reviewed at City Hall. City Hall is open Tuesday and Wednesday, from 9:00AM and 3:00PM. City Hall is located at 451 School Street, Point Arena, California 95468. Residents may also contact City Hall at 707-882-2122 to receive a copy.
All interested persons are invited to provide written comments during the public review period. The public comment period runs from the date this notice is published until June 25, 2024. Written comments should be delivered to the City, no later than 5:00PM on June 25, 2024 via email to or in person at 451 School Street, Point Arena, Ca. 95468.
The Point Arena City Council is soliciting your input about this project. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard at that time. If you challenge the above matter(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing.
For further information, contact the City of Point Arena:
Mailing Address: PO Box 67, Point Arena, CA 95468
City Hall Location: 451 School Street, Point Arena, CA 95468
Telephone: 707 882-2122
//City Clerk
Publication Date: June 14, 2024