AGENDA – MARCH 24, 2020
Due to the “Shelter In Place” Public Health Orders by the County of Mendocino and the State of California, Point Arena City Council meetings will be conducted by teleconference until further notice pursuant to Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-25-20. Members of the Public will be able to participate and comment via teleconferencing as well.
Members of the public may participate in this meeting by phone in the following way:
Dial the Call-In Number: 408-650-3123
Punch in the Access Code when prompted: 715-034-181#
Press # when prompted for audio control
Please press “mute” on your phone until public comments are open.
The public may also send comments via email to the City Council at meeting@pointarena.ca.gov. The City Clerk will read these comments aloud at the appropriate time.
NOTE: This is a new and evolving effort. The City will work to resolve any technical issues that may arise. Your patience during this first effort is greatly appreciated.
II. READING – Councilmember Dobbins
V. COUNCIL REPORTS – Items in this agenda section are informational or scheduling purposes only.
A) City-Related Meetings
B) Council Committee and Commission Reports
VI. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR (Public Comment Period)This is the time for members of the public who wish to be heard on matters that do not appear on the Agenda. City Council policy is to limit each speaker to three (3) minutes. Such time allotment or portion thereof shall not be transferred to other speakers. Pursuant to the Brown Act Section 54954.3, the City Council may not take action on an item that does not appear on the Agenda. The public will be allowed to speak concurrently with the calling of an agenda item following the staff presentation of that item.
VII. CONSENT CALENDAR Notice to the Public: All matters listed under this category are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. If a member of the public would like an item on the Consent Calendar pulled and discussed separately, the request shall be made to a Councilmember prior to the meeting. Unless a specific request is made by a Councilmember, the Consent Calendar will not be read. There will be no separate discussion of these items
A) Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes of February 25, 2020
B) Treasurer’s Report – January 2020
C) Wastewater 2019 Annual Report and January 2020 Monthly Report
VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are generally scheduled for a time certain of 6:00 p.m. or soon thereafter, unless noticed otherwise.
NOTE: The Public Hearings for items VIII A, B & C will open and then be continued until the April 14th Meeting of the City Council. The Public is encouraged to read the documents and submit written comments to the City Council for discussion at the following meeting. No action on these items will be taken at this meeting.
A) First Reading of Ordinance 235 Amending Chapter V, Business Licenses and Regulations, Providing Standards for Short Term Vacation Rentals
Recommended Action:
1) Introduce by title only and waive reading of the Ordinance.
2) Receive staff report and discuss the ordinance
3) Open the public hearing and take public comment
4) Approve or amend the ordinance.
5) Set a final public hearing date for the regular City Council Meeting on April 28, 2020 for adoption of City Ordinance 235
B) Proposed Local Coastal Program (LCP) Amendment OA # 2019-01/GP # 2019-01 Regulating Development of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU’s)
Recommended Action:
1) Commence Public Hearing at 6:30 P.M. or thereafter
2) Discuss Local Coastal Program Amendment 2019-01
3) Open the public hearing and take public comment
4) Approve or amend as presented
C) Proposed Local Coastal Program (LCP) Amendment OA # 2019-02/GP # 2019-02 Allowing Additional Uses Such Animal Husbandry and Farm Stays in the Agricultural Exclusive (AE) Zoning District
Recommended Action:
1) Commence Public Hearing at 6:30 P.M. or thereafter
2) Discuss Local Coastal Program Amendment 2019-02
3) Open the public hearing and take public comment
4) Approve or amend as presented
IX. REPORTS/ACTION ITEMS –All items under this section are for discussion and possible action.
A) Resolution 2020-02 Declaration of a Local Emergency Regarding COVID19
Recommendation: Approve Resolution 2020-02
B) Resolution 2020-03 Authorizing City Manager to Submit Community Development Block Grant Application To Provide Planning, Engineering, Design, Construction Documents, and NEPA Environmental Review for the Community/ Senior/ Recreational/ Veterans Center Facility Improvement Feasibility Study Under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
1) Discuss the CDBG Application
2) Approve Resolution 2020-03
XI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (next 45 days)
- First Reading of Ordinance 235 Amending Chapter V, Business Licenses and Regulations, Providing Standards for Short Term Vacation Rentals
- Proposed Local Coastal Program (LCP) Amendment OA # 2019-01/GP # 2019-01 Regulating Development of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU’s)
- Proposed Local Coastal Program (LCP) Amendment OA # 2019-02/GP # 2019-02 Allowing Additional Uses Such Animal Husbandry and Farm Stays in the Agricultural Exclusive (AE) Zoning District
- Capital Improvement Resolution for SB1
- 2018-2019 Fiscal Year Audit
XII. ADJOURNMENT If open session items cannot be completed by 9:00 p.m., the meeting may be adjourned to the next regular meeting or Council may vote to extend the meeting.
Dated: March 20, 2020