Request for Proposal for Consultant Services to Assist With Sea Level Rise Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment
The City of Point Arena, California, seeks the services of a professional consultant to prepare a sea level rise (SLR) analysis and vulnerability assessment for Point Arena Cove. The results and recommendations within the report will inform an update to the City’s Community Health and Safety Element of its Local Coastal Program, which is not part of the scope of this Request for Proposal.
The City of Point Arena seeks an individual or firm with an understanding of regulations in the Coastal Zone and experience developing sea level rise analyses and vulnerability assessments that can be relied upon for future projects to meet the sea level rise related standards of the California Coastal Commission.
To be considered, one original proposal and one electronic copy (on USB flash drive) of the proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope. All Proposals must be received by the City of Point Arena by 4:00 PM PST on November 3, 2022.
For more information and a copy of the RFP please contact City Hall at 707-882-2122, email or go to
Questions Submitted 10/20/2022:
- Can the proposal be sent to the 451 School Street address or is it preferred for the consultant to send the proposal via USPS to the PO Box? Either way is fine. However, only send FedEx/UPS material to the physical address. USPS mail has to go to PO Box 67 as there is no mail delivery in Point Arena.
- Is an existing Arena Creek hydraulic model and/or recent survey available? We have a wetland delineation from a prior recent project adjacent to the creek . We are looking at a formal creek study after the delivery of the SLR study. So as much analysis of the creek that can be done with this grant, the better.
- Are the community engagement meetings expected to be in-person, virtual, or a combination? In-person is preferred but hybrid is an option. We would expect at least one meeting in-person.
- Is the additional information section included in the page limit? Additional information can be included regardless of any page limits.
- Can resumes be included in the Appendix? Yes.