March 3, 2021

The City of Point Arena (City) is seeking proposals from seasoned practices to provide accounting services for the City beginning with Fiscal Year July 1, 2021. The contract will be for a three-year period with the option to extend for an additional two years.
To be considered, one original proposal, plus two copies, must be received on or before Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 5:00 pm at the following address:
Paul Andersen
City Manager
City of Point Arena
451 School Street
Point Arena, CA 95468
Questions related to this request for proposal should be directed to the City Manager at or at (707) 882-2122.
The City of Point Arena (the “City”) operates under a Council-Manager form of government and provides the following services: public safety, streets and public works, community development, culture and recreation, wastewater, and pier (harbor). The City of Point Arena has a total area of 1.4 square miles. The City itself is built around a small natural inland harbor named Arena Cove and home to the City’s Municipal Pier. The City’s population totals 445.
The firm selected will be responsible for providing the following services for a period of three years with an option to extend the contract for two one-year contract periods. Services that may be required from the contractor include:
1. Accounting Services.
A. On a monthly basis review posted transactions for accurate coding by fund, natural object, department, project and funding source. Reconcile fund cash and interest. Ensure accounts balance by fund. Prepare account ledgers for preparation of monthly Treasurer’s Report.
B. Reconcile bank account statements with City accounting system and general ledger on a monthly basis and provide copies of records and reports to the City Manager.
C. Assist and advise City staff in maintenance of the City’s chart of accounts, including addition and deprecation of specific ledger accounts for segregation of income, expenses, assets, liability and net position by fund, department, project, funding source and natural object.
D. Assist City Manager in preparing the annual budget, mid-year budget review and periodic budget updates.
2. Reporting
A. Prepare periodic Reports for the City Manager, including: Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statements, and Year-To-Date Actual Expenditures vs. Budget in formats specified by City.
B. Prepare annual required State Controller’s Office reports, including the Annual Streets Report and the Annual Financial Transactions Report.
C. Prepare annually the depreciation of assets as per adopted City policy and procedures.
3. Audit.
A. Close fiscal year books by mid-August annually and prepare all essential reports and information for the annual audit, including: bank reconciliations, trial balance, and management financial statements. Compile all other financial materials and information requested by the auditor for the annual audit. Facilitate the conduct of the annual audit by being available to the auditors during their field work to retrieve information, answer questions, and explain financial transactions.
B. Review for accuracy and appropriateness the Draft Financial Statements from the auditor, prepare the draft management response, and recommend action to the City.
C. Provide audit process support.
4. Reporting Requirements.
Prepare federal and State reports as required for cities including but not limited to the State Controller’s reports; quarterly and annual payroll reports; and grant reimbursements. All computers, printers, software and associated supplies necessary to carry out the requirements of this contract will be provided by the consultant.
The following must be received by the proposal due date or the firm will not be considered:
1. Title Page – the title page shall show the proposal subject, the firm’s name, address, contact person, and the firm’s California CPA license number (if applicable) and federal identification number.
2. Cover Letter – The cover letter should briefly state the proposer’s understanding of the work to be performed, commitment to perform the work and statements as to why the firm believes it is the best qualified firm to perform the engagement. The cover letter should also include a statement that the offer is a firm and irrevocable offer for 120 days.
3. Table of Contents.
4. Qualifications.
A. Qualifications and Related Experience – Sufficient information should be provided regarding qualifications of the firm to provide the requested scope of work.
B. Provide a listing of current clients in the area similar to the City for which your firm is providing bookkeeping/accounting services. This section shall include the services being provided, a short description of the client, the amount of revenue generated, name of the Project manager in your firm responsible for the services provided, and contact information of the client. This section should not be more than two pages.
C. Provide the name of the software application, and version, that your firm utilizes.
D. Please confirm your firm’s independence with respect to the City.
E. Please comment on your commitment to staff continuity for personnel assigned to this engagement.
5. Personnel Qualifications.
A. Provide sufficient information and related experience of personnel who will perform the City’s bookkeeping/accounting services. Include resumes of the personnel directly responsible for this contract and other professionals directly involved. Resumes shall include all relevant experience during the last three years with cities similar to the City, education, CPA licenses and continuing education of the individuals, if applicable. Include an affirmative statement that the firm and all assigned key professional staff are properly registered/licensed to practice in California.
B. Please provide your firms most recent peer review reports, the related letter of comments, and your firms response to the letter of comments. If there are no peer review reports, please explain why there are none.
6. Approach to Provide Bookkeeping/Accounting Services. Provide in sufficient detail the firm’s approach to the City’s accounting services. Include procedures to be performed, by whom they will be performed by, tasks to be accomplished, the utilization of computers in the engagement consideration of laws and regulations, assistance that will be provided to the City’s staff, City Council and Committees.
7. Additional Information. Interested firms are encouraged to provide any additional information not otherwise requested that may aid the City in awarding this professional service contract. Unnecessarily elaborate responses beyond that sufficient to present a complete and effective response to the solicitation are not desired and may be construed as an indication of the firm’s lack of cost consciousness.
8. Professional Service Work Sample. The firm shall provide with its proposal, sample financial report(s) prepared for a client that the firm believes is representative of professional work of the firm, preferably in an area related to the services being requested. This document will be used in the evaluation process in selecting a firm to provide services to the City. At the request of the firm, the document can be returned immediately after the contract for these services is awarded. Identity of the client may be masked. The City shall treat the professional work sample as confidential.
9. Fees/Hourly Rates. State the total hours and hourly rate required by staff classification and the resulting all-inclusive monthly fee estimate for the work proposed to be performed. Please describe how you will bill for questions on technical matters that may arise throughout the engagement.
The firm shall present an invoice to the City on a monthly basis for services rendered. Any adjustments expenditure or other service shall be preapproved.
The below factors will be used when evaluating the proposals. The factors are not listed in order of importance.
A. Responsiveness to Request for Proposal specifications
B. Project cost
C. Qualifications of firm
D. Qualifications and experience of the staff to be assigned to the project
E. References
F. Demonstrated capability to perform the type of work requested
During the evaluation process, the City reserves the rights to request additional information or clarifications from proposers and the right to reject any or all proposals. Proposals will be evaluated by a panel and the most qualified firm(s) may be requested to make oral presentations.
There is no expressed or implied obligation for the City to reimburse responding firms for any expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request.